Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pork and Beans

Thursday 13 September
Yes, you heard right, but not the usual canned sort.  These were the rest of the black beans from a batch we made Sunday before last, left unseasoned until we could think what to do with them. 
Our default seasoning is New Mexican, so we chopped a half onion and the last clove of our Archie Christopherson memorial garlic (it's almost a year since his 80th birthday party), and sautéed it with a spoonful of dried Chimayo chile.  When it was toasted, we added the black beans to simmer, with a shower of fresh cilantro leaves at the end.
The "pork" part was thick medallions, dusted in our favored fashion with more New Mexican spices (ground cumin, coriander, and salt) and fried up medium rare.  They went fine with the beans, and no can (or even chuck wagon) was involved.

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