Saturday, January 25, 2014

Roast Lamb with Vedge and Slaw

Friday 10 January
Diane came over, thus becoming our very first (and very welcome) dinner guest in our Oxford flat. 
Luckily by now we had a few wines delivered from the Majestic warehouse in Summertown, so with some of their Chateauneuf du Pape, some toasted sourdough bread, and local cheeses (double gloucester and stilton) from the farmers' market, we could do a pretty good line of starters. 
Our main was a good solid roast rump of lamb, with parsnips and little potatoes we'd set to roasting all around it.  In a country without instant-read thermometers, we couldn't be sure when it reached perfect temperature, but though it was a little less pink inside than we like, it was still beautifully tender. 

To clear the palate, we also served a red cabbage and carrot cole slaw.  No dessert served or needed.

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