Saturday, August 09, 2014

Crab and Mushroom Gâteau de crêpes

Friday 25 July

We had half a can of crab claw meat from Trader Joe's, and still a bunch of mushrooms in the fridge.  How to combine them?  Pasta would have been boring, and there was no time to do crab ravioli with a mushroom sauce.  Inspiration came: gâteau de crêpes.
We were out of cream, and even sour cream, so we sauteed the sliced mushrooms, made a roux, and used milk to make a sort of bechamel around them, with crab added afterwards.  That made up the savory filling between each crêpe. 
The crêpe recipe was from the Joy of Cooking, with some tiny thyme leaves thrown in, but it was quite thin, so we didn't like it as much as the old Moosewood recipe.  Still, the first crêpe went on the bottom, so no one would see it.  And the last one was showered with Swiss cheese. 

The whole thing went into the combi oven to cook at 350º, and it came out a treat.

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