Saturday, March 07, 2015

Pork with Mushrooms and Asparagus

Sunday 1 March
We had a bag of mushrooms from Findlay Market, a sheaf of asparagus ($1.99/lb. at Kroger's, so you'll see it frequently among these posts), and no idea what to do with it.  Some rummaging in the freezer produced a packet of scrappy pork scaloppine that could be easily cut into strips for a Chinese-style stir fry.
We marinated the pork in a Tablespoon of soy sauce, a little less shao xing wine, and a sprinkle of sugar and white pepper.  Then we got our meez together, and you can see the ingredients here.  Note that a smidgen of both the minced onion and grated ginger root went into the pork marinade too.
The stir fry started on high-medium heat with the sliced onion, then garlic and ginger, mushrooms (until they began to brown and soften), asparagus bottoms and then tops, with a little kosher salt going in with each major addition.  Then we melted a little frozen chicken broth in the pan, covered, and let all the vedge steam until tender. 

That went into a covered bowl, and we scraped the wok and put it on high heat to stir-fry the pork.  When it was just done, we poured the vedge back in, tossed until hot, opened a space in the bottom of the pan, and stirred and browned a spoonful of oyster sauce in it.  Another toss, and a sprinkle of sesame oil, and we were done.  
Just normal food from our Chinese (i.e. Jewish) kitchen.

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