Saturday, May 09, 2015

Roast Beef Hash

Thursday 7 May
We still have a back knuckle of Friday's roast beef, which though tough at the first night's cut, turned out to be tender and perfectly done all through the rest.  Holt has been having blissful medium-rare slices in his lunch sandwiches all week, and today we took the browner parts of the knuckle and made a classic hash. 

We trimmed the beef into three groups: fatty (whizzed up in the robo-coupe as fat to fry the rest in), brown (also whizzed up) and medium rare (carefully cubed). 
All the rest was done in our usual hash procedure: hand-diced onion, sautéed in the beef fat and a little oil and salt, then four whizzed-up Yukon gold potatoes, and all of it gets steamed with a little chicken broth and the remains of a bottle of ketchup, until it was all edible. 
Then the meat and chopped chervil and fresh thyme from the garden got folded in, and the whole thing went under the broiler until brown on top.

Okay, so it turned out we were running the broiler on one of the hottest nights yet.  Hash is still worth it. 

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