Sunday, March 02, 2014

Deer, Broc, 'n' Mash

Monday 24 February
We bought some wild venison steaks in Summertown market yesterday, from a young man in the Eat Wild! booth.  We forgot to ask what type of deer they were from, but judging from the frequency tables here, they were probably native/re-introduced/now overpopulated roe deer (Capriolus capriolus).
We far prefer to have someone shoot these so that we can eat them, rather than have them jump in front of a car, causing havoc to all concerned.  So today we did our part and browned the little steaks on high heat to only rare (you can either undercook or overcook wild game; anything in the middle will be leather).

Served with potatoes mashed with cream, and steamed purple broccoli.

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