Saturday, September 28, 2013

Stir-Fried Pork with Green Beans

Sunday 22 September
We bought a big mess o' green beans from the Farmers' Market yesterday, and just had to cook them quickly, while they were still fresh and tender. 
Got out a packet of scrappy pork that we had frozen for such an occasion, cut the meat into scraps, marinated it in a spoonful of soy sauce and half that amount of shao xing wine, and seasoned with sugar, salt, and white pepper. 
Topped and tailed the beans (some of which got parboiled, with a few of our pole beans and a potato, for a different meal), and chopped some scallions into inch lengths, separating whites from greens.  Finally, minced a big clove of garlic (which went into the pork marinade) and an equal amount of ginger, and got out the hoisin sauce and sesame oil for final touches to our mise en place.
We stir-fried the ginger for a second, then the beans and a little salt until they were bright green, turned down the heat to let them simmer covered for a couple of minutes with a driblet of chicken broth, and set them aside.  Reheated the wok and stir-fried the pork on high heat until the pink was almost gone, then added the scallion whites, and lastly greens, to the stir-fry.  Re-added the beans, mixed up, and stir-fried a squeeze of hoisin in the center.  When it was hot and the right consistency, drizzled with sesame oil and served.
It tasted like what a Chinese mother would make at home, which is about what we were aiming for.

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