Saturday, September 21, 2013

Opening Picnic at Jack's House

Sunday 15 September
Jack kindly opened his house (music: "Tara" theme from Gone With the Wind) to faculty, staff, grad students, visiting scholars, friends, partners, children, and hangers-on for the Classics Department's first potluck party of the year.
We ransacked the vines and made Spice Goddess Snap Beans again, this time bumping up the spices to Tablespoons instead of teaspoons, so the flavor was better.  And Holt made a delicious diced cucumber and yellow watermelon salad with mint leaves and white balsamic.

Kathleen and Steve presided over the grill, producing masterly hamburgers, local metts and brats, and all the trimmings provided by the Fresh Table caterers at Findlay Market.  Participants brought many tasty salads, roast vegetables, couscous, mac n' cheese, cole slaw and other side dishes; and homemade desserts like cupcakes, brownies and tiramisu as well as some Graeter's baked goods.
We felt well and truly greeted, as well as fed to the gunnels; so thanks to Jack, Steve, and Kathleen!

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