Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stuffed Veal Breast

Monday 24 December
Last Wednesday, we went to Jungle Jim's to stock up for the big Christmas holidays.  Barbara had pre-booked us a veal breast - they sell out quick - and Holt had specified that we wanted a whole one.  When she went to the window to ask for it, the guy came out with a giant ribcage that filled the entire cart, and there was much rejoicing.  We got it home and cut it in half, freezing the ribbiest part for later (and it absolutely filled the upper part of the freezer).

Holt then deboned and stuffed the other half of the veal breast with a combination of rainbow chard (still from the yard!), Charles Bare sausage, and crumbs. 

At the same time, Barbara browned the bones with carrots, celery, onions, and other good stuff, to make a wonderful batch of veal stock.

Dinner was a wondrous slice of savory-stuffed succulent meat, as much fat as flesh, and all the better for it.

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