Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Monkfish with Saffron Tomato Cream

Saturday 15 June
Luken's had monkfish for a not-too-outrageous price today, so we went for it. 
So.  Cut the fish into collops on the bias, and season with salt and white pepper.  Mince 1 shallot and 2 Roma tomatoes; salt the tomatoes and set them on a slant so they'll drain off a bit. 
In the meantime, set a half cup of rice cooking, seasoned with salt and brined green peppercorns. 
In butter, sauté the shallot, then the monkfish for two minutes per side; poach with a guzzle of wine, covered, for about five minutes, and turn.  Then open and add a generous drizzle of lemon juice.
Remove the fish to a plate while you reduce the sauce.  At this point, remember that you're supposed to add a healthy pinch of saffron.  Do that.  Add cream.  Tip plate juices from fish into sauce.  Reduce.
Re-add fish collops and tomatoes.  Get everything hotted up.  
Let's plate this dish: a mound of rice, the fishes (pretty side up), and the sauce.
Monkfish loves tomatoes, cream, and saffron (eventually).

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