Saturday, April 27, 2013

Orecchiette with Beet Greens

Friday 19 April
We returned to a Chez Panisse recipe that makes beet greens into a Sicilian-style topping for pasta.

Once again we dolled up the basic recipe with a few pignoli, toasted for a minute or so in the toaster oven.  Keep it low, ca. 300º, and watch them - they can burn in a minute.
We've also learned that orecchiette need plenty of boiling water, and should be added one by one to it and stirred frequently as they cook,  so they don't clump up.  And have we commented that they look like little pasta diaphragms?
In any case, it's amazing that humble beet greens, which so many people throw away, can make such a good condimento for pasta.

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