Monday, November 07, 2011

Linguiça with Potatoes and Collards

Tuesday 25 October
Holt picked up some linguiça sausage from Kroger & Sons at Findlay Market, just because he was interested in the seasoning (marjoram and red wine, they said).  Almost all the recipes on the web are for soup, but he found this one that's sort of a Portuguese-style "frah" - without the eggs.
  Changes, though.  We were not thrilled by its addition of goat cheese and raisins, so we left them out; and we used two sausages, 3 medium potatoes, and the leftover collards from Friday's corned beef (which still contained some nice pickling spices).  We also played around with the cooking order a bit, adding smaller-diced potatoes just after the sausages, as they would take more time to cook than the onions and garlic, then throwing in some chicken broth and covering the pan so the potatoes could get tender.  Since the collards were fully cooked, they went in with the herbs at the end.
Verdict: delicious, though as usual with Epicurious recipes, it's nothing like what the author intended.  And the sausages are a keeper.

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