Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tilapia with Mushrooms and Cream/Fries and Hamburger

Tuesday 25 March

H: The TJ's tilapia fillets come individually wrapped which makes it convenient for the lonely guy. Did them half meunière, half bonne femme ( . . . me manque). So sautéed some mushrooms and shallots in butter, with a little thyme. Removed to a heated plate. Then tossed the sturdy little fish in seasoned flour. Removed to same plate. Deglazed with wine, added a mess of cream. Cooked down, returned the shrooms (almost no juice). Poured on the side of said fish (no I did not "nap" it).
Julia suggested tarragon, so that gave me an envie for the next night.

B: Yes, in that order. We went out with a colleague of Kathy's, Andrea, to Olivia, and had a very happy hour showing slides of Caesarea and snacking on rosemary fries with gorgonzola sauce. There was some Sierra Nevada Pale Ale to help it along. And afterwards, we went over to Jeff's and I fried myself a hamburger, which I ate with ketchup. An interesting dispersal of the usual assemblage.

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