Saturday, November 14, 2015

Tuna Steak with Ginger Beans

Thursday 12 November
Our garden is still producing some purple Carminat beans, and as winter is coming on, we have to take advantage while we can.  
So we used up the last of our little hand of spring ginger, cutting it into batons, as well as chopping a green chile that also survived the chill, and a couple cloves of garlic.  
The whole thing got stir-fried with a little salt, then covered to steam until all the beans (no matter their thickness) were tender and dark green.  They look prettier purple, but taste better green.

As ballast, we marinated an albacore steak in lemon juice, and pan-fried it.  It served as a simple base, accompanying the complex harmonies of the beans.  How's that for a metaphor?

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