Saturday, February 23, 2013

Everything from a Salmon: Chowder

Sunday 17 February
The first section of Friday's salmon pickings provided ingredients for a chowder.  Of course, each chowder has to start with a few rashers of bacon, fried in a pan.  When some fat has rendered, add a small chopped onion, and when that's gone a couple of minutes, add some diced carrot and potato.  After a minute more of browning, add the salmon fumet you made from the fish head at the first cooking, and let it cover the vedge and simmer until tender.  When it is, add milk, a dab of butter, and a dollop of cream if you've got it, plus the leftover mirepoix and flaked salmon. 
When it's hot, eat it.  Do we have to tell you everything?

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