Saturday, October 01, 2011

Turnips and Greens with Ham

Friday 30 September
Last summer when we were in Padova, Barbara saw some end-of-season seed packets at a florist's, and picked them up for a euro apiece.  Among the ones she planted this summer was Italian white and purple turnips, and she is now getting a bumper crop.  So today she picked out seven of the largest (still only the size of a plum, though) and we made them for dinner using this recipe.
Despite the bacon, and the shavings of a butt-end of Schad's ham we threw in to flesh it out, the result was pretty bland, but benefited from extra showers of Tabasco sauce and salt.
We both think of the primary turnip as the root, so we talk of "turnip greens."  But Cincinnati is southern enough to use the greens more, and specifies "turnip roots."  We like both and hate to waste either, so we're on the lookout for recipes that combine the two.

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