Saturday, September 03, 2011

Nasca Peruvian Café, Munich

Thursday August 25
Driving back to Munich seemed to take much longer than it needed to, but we managed to get the rental car filled with diesel fuel and back on time, to find and get on the correct train to the city, to roll our bags to our hotel, and dump our stuff and ourselves in our room.  Though the temperature was in the high 80s, air conditioning is apparently unheard of in German hotels, at least the ones we can afford; so we staggered back out to do what everyone else was doing, sit in a sidewalk café and try to catch a bit of breeze.
We were fortunate to find the nearby Nasca Caféwhich attracted us not just for its comfy chairs and big open windows along the street, but for the cachet of going to Munich to eat Peruvian food. 
We started with a platter of chicken, beef, and spinach empanadas, and managed to unwind a bit, with the aid of some tall glasses of cold beer (when in Munich, drink beer, especially in summer).  Gradually we became able to note the surroundings, the apartment balconies with open windows, their denizens wiggling their toes in the air, and the strange sight of a fake raven attached to a balcony railing, presumably fulfilling the same function as plastic owls in the USA (Barbara's Mom used to have one named Owl Roker).
As night began to fall and the restaurant filled with chatting couples and groups, we segued to a good, spicy pork adobo with potatoes and rice, and jaleo de pescado (hot, fresh fried fish) with dipping sauce and a side of fried manioc, which was a first for us  - not bad, sort of a cross between plantain and a hush puppy.  So all was, eventually, well.

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