Saturday, September 03, 2011

Le Pirate, Lausanne

Wednesday August 24
This morning Holt gave his talk, and then we spent the rest of the day discussing the past and future of the book.  Stimulating but quite tiring, so it was kind of the conference organizers to take us out yet again, to our third terrace restaurant in three days, Le Pirateright on the quais of the lake, at Ouchy. 
There we were able to have the famous lake perch as our main course, along with all the trimmings of salad before, potatoes and assorted vegetables with, varied wines brought by running waiters throughout, and at the end, coffee and chocolate cake with blackberries and a strange but tasty yellow fruit that had a husk like a tomatillo.  
When we asked what it was, the eventual answer was physalis, which does turn out to be the tomatillo family.  We never knew it included sweet "Cape gooseberries" like these.
Again, a wonderful evening in Lausanne, ending with a romantic stroll (disturbing a few loitering swans) along the lakeside, and of course another ride back on the Metro.

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