Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Venison II / Potluck

Sunday 7 December 2008

There was an AIA lecture, but Holt didn't feel up to the cruel chairs of the hall, so stayed home and had more of the king's good deer. A number of plums whose days were numbered too (two?) got chopped up, cooked in butter, then brown sugar, a shot of brandy, cinnamon, ginger, cloves ('tis the season) and then a handful of dried cranberries (season, 'tis). This made for nice warm sauce to take the chill off the sliced deer. Plus the half of a fennel that needed to be used up, sliced and braised in the venison. Non c'รจ male.

Barbara, in the meantime, was having a jolly old reunion with Pam, a grad school friend who gave the lecture. Some nice AIA members had offered their lovely house for a potluck, which was varied and sumptuous. Barbara brought another of Holt's home-baked Christmas focaccie,
which was so appreciated that no one minded her smuggling home some dessert for him.

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