Sunday, August 31, 2008

Veal Chops

Sunday August 24

Our administrative assistant, Fran, seems to know just about everything there is to be known. So I wasn't surprised that she knew right offhand the best place to get Italian specialties around here: Antipastos di Roma.*
We were especially amazed by their veal chops, which were not only perfectly frenched, but of such a reasonable price** that we were able to get a couple without taking out a bank loan.

We treated the chops simply, as befits a noble piece of beef. We patted the chops with a little dried thyme, rosemary and sea salt, seared in butter and a little oil, then popped the pan into a 450º oven, till the temp. hit 130º. The chops on the plates, a little chopped onion into the hot fat, then we deglazed with a little white wine, and then the magic ingredient, a hit of balsamic vinegar off the heat.
Alongside went some simple steamed wax beans from yesterday's farmer's market, and a Stonechurch Pinot Noir. Couldn't be simpler, or better.

* An English plural? A missing apostrophe?
**Applying Italian/Canadian reasoning. That is, if everything is expensive, and vitello is the same price as bovino adulto, why not get the best?

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