Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chiles Rellenos with Tomatillo Salsa

Monday 7 May
We missed Cinco de Mayo (which was devoted to the Kentucky Derby), and even Sexto de Mayo.  When we got to Séptimo de Mayo, we knew we had to have Mexican food.  Or at least, New Mexican.  
 The solution was chiles rellenos: roasted four poblanos under the broiler, let them steam, then peeled and seeded them and stuffed the skins with a combination of coljack and cheese, with some garden cilantro in the mix.  We dipped them in egg and then in seasoned fine cornmeal as an experiment, and fried them until golden outside and melty inside.  The fine cornmeal was okay, but we decided we prefer the rustic texture of coarse.
On the side, we served a slightly liquidy version of our own tomatillo salsa.  It made us eat the chiles faster so they wouldn't get soggy, but they were tasty enough that we would have eaten them pretty fast anyway.

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