Saturday, April 21, 2012

Penne Primavera

Thursday April 19
We are bravely carrying on eating the products of spring while we can, though we must say that it's becoming a problem to find something new to do with asparagus.  This time we went to the appositely named Pasta Primavera.  Barbara had just seen Lidia Bastianich make hers with little but the vegetables and a chopped tomato or two, so that's what we did. She blanches her vegetables, though, and we only blanched and peeled our fava beans.  The asparagus, zucchini, parsley and scallions were just sautéed, making a lovely green panful.

At the end, we chopped and threw in one big roma tomato, and that was all we needed.  The fresh spring flavors came through as they wouldn't have with a cream sauce.

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