Saturday, December 29, 2012

Classics Department Party at Baba Budan's

Friday 7 December
It was raining like hell, just about perfect for a day that will live in infamy anyway.  But at 6 PM, everyone struggled and straggled across the street to Baba Budan's for the Classics Department's holiday party.  It's lucky that there's an open bar, which helps everyone get happy, even if they don't dry off.
The food was an odd mix, just like last time.  Dry balls of falafel appeared both in appetizers and in wraps; there were bowls of Greek salad as well as platters of their component ingredients, some hummus, and a pallid imitation of tzaziki.  But there was also a good hot vegetarian lasagna, some rice, and some chicken legs and thighs for the carnivores. 
Dessert was fruit and cookies; or wine, in our case.  It was going to be one for the long squish home, but nice Carol gave us a ride, and we were happy to be high and dry.

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