Saturday, December 03, 2011

Tuna Steaks with Cherry Tomato Topping

Monday 21 November
We still have lots of garden cherry tomatoes ripening (at room temperature, in paper bags; the big trick is to have an apple in there to encourage them).  So we used our crop to dress up some frozen Trader Joe's 'ahi tuna steaks, and this was the plan.
Heat the oven to 400ยบ.  Mix about 2 Tbsp. olive oil with 4 Tbsp. balsamic and season with S&P.  Put the tomatoes on a baking tray and pour the balsamic mixture over.  Roast for around 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat a skillet to hot.  Season and lightly oil the tuna steaks, then cook for a minute or two on each side, flipping twice or less so that they're nice and rare inside.  Serve with the tomatoes and balsamic oil drizzled over.

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