Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sargent Farms Stuffed Roast Chicken with Potatoes

Wednesday September 24

We're operating on what we call Rome Rules here. Since everything is so expensive, why not shell out the extra bit per kilo and get the best? A factory chicken at Zehr's is already twice the price of factory chicken at IGA, so instead we got a free-range beast of a chicken at Antipastos ($2.50/lb).
Since we had all those pre-fried for your convenience mushrooms, we just made a nice herby duck-bread stuffing.* Sautéed onion in lots of butter, then little cubes of crap bread, sage, oregano, more sage, pepper. The last of the mushrooms in the stuffing, already nicely moist. Then tiny potatoes in the schmalz once it had rendered up some.

This may also be the time to repeat our advice to put your chicken in the stirrups. It ain't pretty but the thighs get done at the same time as the breasts. You can trust me: I'm a doctor.

* Click here for the concept of duckbread. Also spread the word on Urbandictionary.

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