Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The whole fam damily arrives on the day before Thanksgiving, and there is nothing better for feeding seventeen people than a big ol' ham. And sweet potatoes baked in their jackets. And broad beans with ham. And bread. And rolls. And cheesecake, because it's Joanna's birthday. Remember, this is the day BEFORE Thanksgiving.


Mel said...

This is perhaps a strange venue for the following message, but seeing as I am a cyber-generation girl, I suppose it's appropriate.

#1 I loved getting to see you!

#2 I don't think I've ever told you both that I look up to you and really admire you. If I could be you when I grow up, I think that would be pretty cool.

#3 Thank you sooooo much for the money for Oxford. It was so generous and will be lovingly used.

#4 If you get bored some night, you should check out the blog my friends and I post on...there's some silly stuff but some very interesting ideas as well.

Unknown said...

Holt is always good when it comes to the esoteric cuisine such as vegetarian sushi, but when it comes to something as malleable as ham it seems so easy to think that it tasted like heaven itself. I wounder what their turkey tasted like?