Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Stuffed Baby Squash and Blossoms (plus veal stock)

Tuesday July 28

Back on Saturday, when Holt was busy kneading bread and whipping mayonnaise, Barbara decided to burrow through the freezer for all the veal bones we had saved to make a new batch of veal stock, because we were CLEAN OUT OF IT (the horror!).
We cook this the Julia Child Way to Cook way (to cook), by browning the bones (even frozen ones) with chopped celery, carrots, and onions in a 400-degree oven, then deglazing the pan, putting it all in a pot with water to cover, and simmering AT A VERY SLOW BUBBLE for 3-4 hours. But what nobody else says is that at the end, you can not only strain, chill, skim and freeze the broth, you can pick over the bones and get quite a bit of edible meat and vedge.
So we ran the “mystery meat” through the food-chopper with some shredded cheese, and stuffed it into the latest pickings from our garden: squash blossoms with the tiny yellow pattypan squashes now attached. We dipped them in our new experimental masa batter, as we did last Wednesday, but it didn't stick too well, so from now on we'll go back to Holt's brilliant whipped-eggwhite batter.

Still, they looked so pretty on their yellow-tomato, red-pepper, and red-onion pico de gallo. And they tasted damned fine too.

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