Sunday, October 28, 2007

Baked Bluefish and Roasted Beets

Saturday October 20

Luken's Seafood at Findlay Market had some little fresh bluefish for not too much money today, so Holt grabbed the opportunity and snagged a couple. They were only about the size of trout, so we did two of them the way Anthony Bourdain does. Here are his words, from Kitchen Confidential:

"Take one fish - a red snapper, striped bass, or dorade - have your fish guy remove gills, guts and scales and wash in cold water. Rub inside and out with kosher salt and crushed black pepper. Jam a clove of garlic, a slice of lemon and a few sprigs of fresh herb - say, rosemary and thyme - into the cavity where the guts used to be. Place on a lightly oiled pan or foil and throw the fish into a very hot oven. Roast till crispy and cooked through. Drizzle a little basil oil over the plate - you know, the stuff you made with your blender and put in your new plastic squeeze bottle? - sprinkle with chiffonaded parsley, garnish with basil... See?"

Indeed, we do see. We used fennel stalks to stuff the fish, and we arranged them like Pisces in Holt's cast-iron skillet. And yes, it was our own home-made basil oil from our own squeeze bottle.

The Nice People at the Market had some Nice Beets, so we got a pound and roasted them in the oven (covered, in a casserole - or you can use foil) before the fish went in. Once they were tender, Holt peeled and cut them up (despite his lack of asbestos fingers) and we scattered a little goat cheese over them. There's a reason those two are always paired in Yuppie salads - the creamy tang of goat cheese works well with the sweet of the beet (which you eat).

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