Sunday, April 29, 2007

Kitchen Challenge III: Pork chops alla Modena

Monday 16 April
We went shopping with Karen at Wegman's to pick up something quick for dinner. The pork chops looked good, and after looking around for something to do with them, we spotted some bundles of fresh sage. Here the blog really came into its own, for once we got back to Karen and Bill's we could log on and quickly check how we had done it before ("That's right--I remember now--no onions, no garlic, just the tomatoes").
We had a bit of bread and brie and a sampling from Wegman's amazing olive bar to stave off hunger while the pork chops got smothered. To accompany them, we did another favorite: a quick stir-fry of zucchini batons with minced garlic, doused at the last minute with a splash of wine vinegar.
The other advantage of Modena style pork is that it's infinitely reheatable, so that when Bill came back late, weary from a teaching a long class, there was a tender bit of pig waiting for him.

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