Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Flaming Vegetables of Death! . . . with Teriyaki Pork

Sunday March 4th (Parade Day)
Had some nice peppers from the market, so decided to do them with some onions and the last fragment of zucchini in the Holy Wok (Thanks, Joel and Andi!), one of those flat-bottomed woks with large holes in it for grilling. Joel tosses the vegetables in a plastic bag with oil and spices before grilling them. Joel also has the brains to do this OUT OF DOORS! The oil, of course, as any fool could have foreseen, fell straight onto the open gas flame of the stove top, flamed up, filled the house with the rich aromatic smoke of sacrifice, and necessitated running all the fans and opening the back door in the dead of winter. The vegetables were mighty tasty, and surprisingly easy to find once we put on the night vision goggles, but on mature reflection, a thin film of oil on the wok itself would have done just as well.
While Holt was making his burnt offering, Barbara prepared the teriyaki pork. Make a marinade of the following ingredients: 5 tsps. soy sauce, 1 tsp. Shao Xing wine or sherry, a half-tsp. of sugar stirred in well until it dissolves, and a half-tsp. each of mashed garlic and mashed ginger root. Soak a couple of nice porkchops or medallions in that, until the smoke clears. Shake them free of marinade (but save it) and fry them, flipping frequently, for about five minutes in a pan filmed with oil. Pour the marinade back on top of them, cover, and lower the heat. Let them cook five or more minutes, until firm and done.

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