Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Grand Goosoulet

A cassoulet is the thing for left-over goose. Remember by ancient French tradition (and nobody's more traditional than the ancient French) a cassoulet must contain mutton . . . or roast pork . . . or ham . . . and sausages . . or not . . . or tomatoes . . . or not . . . topped with bread crumbs . . . or not. Even the duck or goose is optional. In other words, the cassoulet must contain whatever you got a lot of . . . plus beans. Makes it out kind of meal. Here's a fun article on the cassoulet wars.

So ours: Soaked white beans the day before, then pressure cooked them. We fried some onions and garlic in the goose fat plus thyme, fried some kielbasa (recommended substitute for Toulouse sausages) in that, tossed the fry up into the mess of beans. Needed more liquid so added a can of tomatoes. Put into an oven in the giant cast iron Dutch oven (Thanks, Barbara!) and baked for an hour. Delicious, but to tell the truth, I'm not sure the sausages added that much to it.

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