Monday, July 14, 2008

Fish Taco Extravaganza

Monday July 7

While Holt spent the day in the library, virtuously Beccadelli-izing (and eating leftover pibil pig wrapped in a torilla—note that the modifier is not misplaced), Barbara and Lois toured downtown Champaign, acquiring ingredients for another Steven Raichlen feast from the May 2008 Bon Appetit. That is obviously an issue that Lois and Jon will keep on their cookbook shelf, full of post-its and abundantly splattered.

This time it was grilled fish tacos.

We used tilapia, and the leftover roasted tomatillo salsas from yesterday instead of the salsa verde of the recipe. Results were marvelous, better than any of the fish tacos we had in San Diego.

We drank piñas coladas again beforehand, and white wine with our tacos, including a ConClass Rueda. And dessert was Jon's home-made ice cream, a very sweet finish.

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