Sunday, January 24, 2016

Luau in our Living Room

Saturday 23 January
The nice people at Findlay Market offered a buy on a pineapple, which inspired us to defrost some pork for this perfect 50s combination. 
First, we peeled, cored, and cut the pineapple into long batons, which we marinated with David Warda's apricot habanero salsa, plus a shot of tequila, and grilled on the grill pan.

We had already defrosted and brined two thick pork medallions, and then marinated those with juice from a half lime.  Once the pineapple was grilled and resting in the combi-oven, we basted those with big dollops of David's pepper jelly, and grilled them on the same pan.

Very retro, except there were big doses of spice and flavor, thanks to David's inspiration - and sauces.

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