Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Chicken Pot Pie

Friday 31 October - Hallowe'en

A fine dish of scraps, which is what THE PIE is all about. We had a vat of chicken soup left over from Tuesday, which we strained, freezing the stock for later. Then chopped up a parsnip for extra vedge, cooked till tender in a little water and salt, added the left-over chicken and its vedge and hotted it all up. Bind with cream (I thought it might need a beurre manié, but the parsnips and potatoes sopped up lotsa cream). Poured the lovely sludge into two pyrex soup bowls and topped with a biscuit. Someone out there in webland suggested lemon peel in the topping for chicken pies, so here it is:
1 1/3 cup flour
1 TBSP baking powder
1 tsp sugar & salt
4 TBSP butter
1/2 cup milk
zest of a 1/2 a lemon in the fridge drawer
Usual biscuit procedure: cut the butter in. Stir in the milk. Fold a few times. Pat into a pyrex-soup-bowl-sized circle.
Bake at 450º for 20 minutes.

Mighty good eating while waiting for the rather thin stream of trick-or-treaters in this neck of the woods to show up. Still, they were all little and costumed and cute, and they enjoyed the chocolate treats that we were giving out. (Even in Canada, people won't trust home-baked stuff, as we found out when we tried to give out Holt's Patented GingerDead Men - a gingerbread body in an iced chalk outline. We had only one taker, and she lived right upstairs, so her parents knew we could be trusted.)

Served the hot pot pies with a good chicken wine: Cave Spring Riesling.
Do you like Riesling?
I don't know. I've never riesled.

1 comment:

Emily Adamson said...

Sounds mighty fine! We're having a comfort food recipe contest and would love to have you enter one of your creations. The prize is a $250 gift certificate. Check out the contest at